The process of laying the crust is simply laying overlapping and lighted basted strips of Filo sheets across the width of the pie dish and working around the circumference until the whole dish is covered.
Lightly baste the bottom of the pie dish.
Un-pack and gently unroll the thawed Filo sheets on a flat surface away from where you will basting and laying the sheets. Cover with a damp kitchen towel to keep the sheets damp. If they dry up they get brittle and may tear.
Working with two sheets at a time, cut their width to a couple of inches less than the width of the pie dish you are using. Use the remaining thin strips to line the pie dish as well.
Lay the two strips on your work surface, lightly baste both sides and lay them across the dish making sure that the edges overhang by about 3". Also baste and lay the thinner strips.
Cut another two sheets to the same width, baste and lay them on the pie dish to mostly overlap the first sheets but off-center by about 2 inches. Also baste and lay the thinner strips.
Work around the circumference of the dish until you have completed covered it.
Add the spinach feta mixture to the skillet on top of the Filo layers. Spread into an even layer.
Crinkle and fold the edges inward as you would with a crostata, leaving the center exposed. Brush the tops of the Filo sheets with any remaining oil.