A Perfectly Designed Pot Cleaner

November 13, 2021

I spent most of my career in advertising and managed to end up establishing a couple of successful agencies; one in Cairo the other in Sydney.

I was always fascinated by the psychology of advertising but I also developed a passion for good product design. There is a something intangible about good design that transcends the actual object itself. Perfection of function and form as well simplicity come to mind to describe what I mean.

Take the paper clip for example. I cannot think of any product more simple and perfectly designed for its function than the paperclip. So much so that I cannot think how it can be improved upon and as long as we use paper it will have a place in our lives.

Which brings me to this pot cleaner that has me enthralled. It is a stainless steel chainmail scrubber. 

How often have you had burnt food and grease stuck to the sides of a pan, used the rough side of a sponge to scrape it off only to have to discard it afterwards because it got all blackened. Or trying to clean a grill pan, getting into the greasy troughs and again ending up with a filthy sponge.

A stainless steel chainmail scrubber does away with all that and unlike steel wool does not rust and because the links have rounded edges, they don’t scratch a surface. The scrubber makes fast work of tough cleanup jobs on just about all the pots, pans and baking trays including stainless steel, enameled cast iron, hard anodized, copper and glass. It is also the only way experts recommend to properly clean a cast iron skillet without using soap which destroys the patina. 

After use, all it needs is a wash with soap and warm water and it is ready to start work again and again and lasts forever.

You must get one and save your sponge (if you must) for light work. Think of how much you will save on sponges (and help the environment by eliminating the waste they create).

Amazon sells the scrubber here.

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