Lemony Salsa Verde

August 18, 2021

Prep time 10 minutes

Think of this condiment/sauce as a lemony version of a pesto suace (without the nuts) and is more verstaile. It works on sea food like seared scallops , and works wonders on fish and vegetables as well.

What you need (for two portions)

A handfull of cilantro leaves
A handfull of Italian parsley
A chopped garlic clove
A tablespoon of capers
Half a SMALL THIN SKINNED lemon (if you use larger lemons you will need to peel off the skin and pith)

What to do

Finely chop the cilantro and parsley and place in a bowl.
Chop the capers and mix in with the greens.
Blend in a crushed garlic clove into the mixture.
Peel and chop lemon (segments and all) and add to the mixture.
Add a couple tablespoonsfuls of olive oil and mix till you get a smooth paste.
Salt to taste.


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