Fresh Mixed Green Relish

November 10, 2021

Prep time 10 minutes 

This is one of Marcelle’s creations. A fresh, colorful and tasty combination of Italian parsley, cilantro, capers, red onions and cherry tomatoes. Adds flavor to fish without drowning it so works equally well with the robust flavor of grilled swordfish and the subtle taste of a baked branzino ( European sea bass). See recipe.

There are no hard and fast rules on how much to use of each ingredient and it seems to vary every time we make it. Whatever the combination it works.

What you need ( for two portions)

A handfull of Italian parsley leaves
A handful of cilantro leaves
A tablespoonfull of capers
Half a coarsely chopped red onion
Half a cup of chopped grape or roma tomatoes ( regular tomatoes salad tomatoes will be too watery)
A drizzle of olive oil

What to do

Chop the lot, mix, drizzle with a little and salt to taste.

For a little heat add a little chopped Jalapeño pepper. Salt to taste.


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