Spicy Chorizo Sausage Tapas Braised In Red Wine and Honey

November 6, 2021

Prep and Cook 20 min

Chorizo al vino tinto (in red wine) is a simple Spanish tapas dish where you cook slices of chorizo in red wine giving them a wonderful extra boost of flavor. They’re great to nibble or along with other tapas. Visit Delicious Tapas for Dinner to see my suggestions for what to serve alongside this dish.

picture of Spanish chorizo tapas

Spicy Chorizo Sausage Tapas Braised In Red Wine and Honey


Derek Farwagi

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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Spanish
Servings 2


  • Two 8”-10” frying pans. If you do not have two frying pans, use a small saucepan to cook the chorizo.


  • 3-4 Spanish (not Mexican) Chorizo sausages. Use fresh (chorizo fresco) or semi-cured (semi curado). These are softer and need to be cooked before eating. Fully cured chorizo tends to become too firm and not absorb the flavor as well.
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • ½ cup red wine
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 clove garlic peeled but left whole
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley leaves for garnish
  • red chili flakes to taste


  • Cut the chorizo into even bite size slices.
  • Warm the oil in a small skillet/frying pan over a medium heat and add the slices of chorizo in a single layer. Cook for around 2 min a side. Add chili flakes and cook for a further minute to spice the oil.
  • Tuck the bay leaf and whole, peeled garlic clove in between or under the chorizo slices.
  • Add 1/2 cup red wine and a tbsp of honey. Once the liquid comes to the boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for around 10-15 minutes until the wine and honey mixture has reduced by about half and becomes slightly more syrup-like. If it is reducing too quickly take the pan off the heat. If need be, you can always thicken it further at the last minute.
  • Once the liquid is syrupy, serve at room temperature in a shallow dish or plate and garnish with parsley.
    picture of Spanish chorizo tapas
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2 comments on “Spicy Chorizo Sausage Tapas Braised In Red Wine and Honey

  1. Mary Jo

    September 15, 2022

    5 stars
    Any idea where to get the semi cured chorizo? Since they are softer, I’d love to try some in this recipe.

    1. Derek Farwagi

      September 15, 2022


      Many delicatessens should stock it. Ask for Italian semi cured chorizo not the Mexican variety.

      Thank you for visiting A Mediterranean Gourmet.



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