Charred Vanilla Ice Cream

November 8, 2021

Prep time 5 min

I am quiet adventurous in my outlook on life but when it comes to fads I tend to be a little more conservative. Especially when it comes to what I use for drinks. When I drink wine I like the appropriately stemmed glass. When I drink a cocktail I like it in a highball or tall glass. A Martini? You get my drift.

So when I recently visited the Meat Packing district in New York, I was astounded by how many people were hanging out on pavements outside the bars and restaurants drinking cocktails out of a mason jar. Now I know that at any given point in time someone somewhere in the food and drink industry or media is busy creating new ideas and trends to sell more magazines or attract new customers and I applaud that creativity. I also know this Mason jar thing has been around for a while but have you recently toasted someone special with a mason jar? Instead of the high pitched resonating tone of thin walled glass or crystal you get a deep “clunk”. Where’s the romance in that?

However, skimming through an old copy of Saveur Magazine I did come across a new idea that did appeal to my sense of humor. Burning toast and dusting charred flakes onto ice cream. The idea was remarkably creative and simple and it did give the dessert a satisfying and light bitter crunch that blended well with the vanilla. It was also a quick way of turning a scoop of plain vanilla ice cream into a conversation piece.  

1/4 of a sliced bread
Vanilla ice cream

Toast the bread till charred. The Saveur recipe calls for resting the charred bread overnight before breaking it up and putting them through a blender. A little excessive and time consuming I thought. I just charred a piece of bread in a toaster, covered it with plastic wrap and broke it into small chunks with the back of a spoon. 


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