Cucumber Relish

August 18, 2021

Prep time 15 min

A spicy, sweet vinegar dressing with red onions and fresh coriander gives this relish a distinct Asian flavor. Ideal for poultry, pork and fish.

Prep this relish before you start grilling to give the ingredients time to blend. You can also prep this well advance to give time for the ingredients to marinate completely.

What you need (for a cupful)

A 1/4 cup of white vinegar
A 1/4 cup of sugar (white or brown)
Two Persian cucumbers
A small red onion
Slices of red chili (how many depends on how hot you want the relish to be)
A handful of fresh cilantro leaves

What to do

1 – In a small pan over a medium heat, dissolve the sugar in the vinegar and set aside.
2 – Cut the cucumbers in quarters lengthwise then slice them thinly on the bias.
3 – Slice the onion half and chili pepper as thin as you can.
4 – In a small bowl add all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.
5 – Salt to taste. 


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